1 x PRE-SEED – Vaginal Lubricant Multi 9 Application 40gm Pack + 5 x Ultra Early Pregnancy Tests 10mIU/mL

£22.99 £16.28
(as of 12/07/2013 11:24 - info)

Included in the pack are 5 x Ultra Early Pregnancy test strips. These tests are identical to the ones that are supplied to the NHS. Pre-seedThe Pre-Seed patented formula was uniquely developed by a woman…

Included in the pack are 5 x Ultra Early Pregnancy test strips. These tests are identical to the ones that are supplied to the NHS.


The Pre-Seed patented formula was uniquely developed by a woman Sperm Physiologist to match fertile cervical mucus in pH, osmolality and viscosity, thus providing an optimal environment for sperm in women who are trying to conceive. Most lubricants harm sperm and should not be used while trying to conceive. Pre-Seed is the only product allowed to say that it is “safe to use when trying to conceive. ” (US FDA Approval).

The 9 unique Pre-Seed applicators allow dosage to be chosen according to each woman’s needs. Pre-seed can then be applied inside the vaginal canal to best mimic natural secretions. This allows sperm to encounter an optimal environment following ejaculation, as they start their journey.

Pre-Seed is our signature product for trying-to-conceive couples. It provides extra moisture where you need it most when baby-making–inside–to help things work the way nature intended. The Pre-Seed formula has been shown to be less irritating than the leading lubricants, women from all walks of life enjoy this product, including women with pelvic pain issues, and women undergoing hormonal changes. Moisturising and lubricating inside the vagina allows for deep, slippery fun for couples.

Pre-Seed is so natural feeling, some women don’t even tell their partners they are using it. Traditional lubricants have been developed to decrease friction or pain during sexual intercourse. Their basic formulations can harm sperm within minutes of contact. Pre-seed is the only intimate moisturiser formulated by an Andrologist, based on the physiologic requirements of sperm, so as to provide an environment that will not harm them.
